Business in Sign Language

Business News is the branch of journalism that tracks, records and interprets the commercial activities and changes that occur within societies. It covers a wide range of topics including, but not limited to, company performance and new products or services, economic trends, mergers and acquisitions, stock market updates, management changes, government regulations and global trade. Business news is generally published in newspapers, magazines, websites and television broadcasts and is essential for businessmen, investors, stakeholders and consumers.

How to say business in sign language

A business is an organized activity that exchanges goods and services for profit. It may also be a not-for-profit organization that invests its surplus profits in achieving stated goals or improving infrastructure. Businesses range from small operations serving a single industry to large multinational corporations. They are typically owned by individuals or institutions, although some are publicly listed and traded on the stock market.

The latest high-stakes boardroom drama centres on the battle between the Burman family of Dabur and the board of Religare Enterprises, specifically its Executive Chairperson Rashmi Saluja. The latter is determined to fend off the takeover bid from the Burmans, but can she succeed? BT traces the twists and turns of this riveting corporate showdown in our cover story. On stands now.

Examples of Business in Sign Language

These examples are automatically selected from various online sources, and may not represent the opinion of Merriam-Webster or its editors. We appreciate your feedback.
The Library of Congress provides access to many print and microform business news sources, both domestic and international. This guide is designed to help you identify the best business news resources for your research. If you have additional questions, please contact a librarian.