Law New for Legal Services Firms
Law new refers to practices that offer legal services in different ways. It includes embracing innovative approaches that bring new ideas to the table and offer clients options they might not have seen before. For many firms, the concept is more than just an idea—it’s a means of unleashing potential and providing better service to clients.
This Local Law amends the Department of Consumer Affairs’ name to the Department of Consumer and Worker Protection, and establishes the Office of Labor Standards and the Division of Paid Care as offices within the Department. The bill also updates references to these offices and other agency nomenclature, and clarifies the Department’s powers to seek restitution on behalf of consumers and workers related to any law under its jurisdiction.
It requires the Department of Citywide Administrative Services, in consultation with the Department of Consumer and Worker Protection, to prepare a notice regarding student loan forgiveness programs for City agencies to provide to their employees and job applicants. It also expands a provision in the current City law on data breaches that require City agencies to promptly disclose private identifying information that has been accessed, disclosed or used by an unauthorized person.
This bill expands the requirement for street vendors to obtain a permit and to require that at least one supervisory license holder be present at each pushcart at all times. It also requires the establishment of a dedicated enforcement unit to enforce vending laws. It also prohibits street vending on certain streets in Dyker Heights beginning the day after Thanksgiving through New Year’s Day.
This bill provides severance pay for hotel service workers who lose their jobs as a result of a change in control or ownership of the hotel, or in the event of a bankruptcy. It also requires retail employers to allow customers to use cash at their locations for payment of purchases. It also prohibits on-call scheduling for retail employees, and it requires that food service establishments allow their employees to reschedule or cancel shifts during the COVID-19 pandemic. It also amends the City’s data breach notification requirements to align with State law. It requires City agencies to disclose private identifying information that has been impacted by a data breach and to affected persons, and it establishes disclosure obligations relating to the sale of biometric identifiers.