New York City Laws
The legal industry is being disrupted from within and without by a host of customer-centric forces. The legal buyer is more empowered than ever, shaped by legal wikis and online communities, and shifting their expectations of the services they buy from law firms and corporate Goliaths alike. Legal delivery must transform from an internally focused, lawyer-led model that focuses on efficiency and profit preservation to one that is driven by customer impact and improved end-user outcomes. This change requires a new paradigm for the industry, not more of the same, and it cannot be led by lawyers alone.
Legal tech is a critical component of this new paradigm, but it must be fit-for-purpose and aligned to a strategic plan that drives business impact and enhanced user experience. It can no longer be an end unto itself for many “legal techies.”
Collaboration is the name of the game in a new legal landscape. The complexity and fluidity of business, accelerating pace of change, and significant global challenges that cannot be mastered by any single function, enterprise, stakeholder group, or nation demand it. The legal function can—and frequently does—play an important role in a wider collaborative process that includes a host of internal and external stakeholders. The pharmaceutical company collaboration that created the Covid-19 vaccine is just one example.
In the digital age, data is power. And that power can be used for good or ill. The proliferation of personal data is raising ethical and privacy concerns around how it can be used to influence decisions, products, and services. In this new legal environment, balancing access and privacy is an imperative for all businesses and governments.
Whether you’re looking to make your voice heard on an issue, are interested in finding the right solution for a problem, or just want to know what laws have recently passed in NYC, this section of the website is for you. It’s easy to search and filter laws by year, and you can even switch what year you are viewing on the fly!
New York City Laws
This bill would require third-party food delivery services to obtain a license in order to do business in the city. It also repeals subchapter 22 of chapter 5 of title 20 of the administrative code, which contains existing laws regulating these services.
New York City Laws
This bill would require City agencies that experience a security breach involving the private identifying information of persons to promptly disclose it. It also provides the Committee on Open Government the authority to promulgate guidelines concerning deletion of identifying details or withholding records otherwise available under this law in order to prevent unwarranted invasions of personal privacy. In addition, the bill amends the requirements of Articles six and seven of the Freedom of Information Law to align them with those in the City’s SHIELD Act. Previously, the law required City agencies to immediately report such breaches to the Department of Investigation. Now, the Department of Information Technology and Telecommunications will receive such notifications.