Law New
The practice of law is constantly evolving. One of the most exciting developments in recent years has been the rise of “law new.” Law new refers to a broad range of methods for providing legal services that are outside the norm and often involve different fee structures. In addition, these methods have been used to assist underserved populations and are designed to benefit the communities they serve. This approach is a vital part of the modern legal landscape and has many benefits for clients, lawyers and firms alike.
Laws of the City of New York
The laws and rules that govern the operation of City agencies are published in the City’s Administrative Code. A complete list of the laws is available online.
A bill is a proposal for a new law or an amendment to an existing law. A bill can be introduced by a member of Congress (or other legislators) or by citizens, businesses, or organizations. Once a bill is introduced, it goes through the process of becoming a law. This page explains how the process works and how you can influence it.
This bill would require public agencies that suffer a security breach involving private information to promptly notify the Chief Privacy Officer, the Office of Cyber Command, and any affected individuals. It would also expand the obligation to make disclosures to include situations where the private information has been accessed or disclosed by an unauthorized person.
Local Law 53 of 2024
This bill would prohibit general vendors and mobile food vendors from vending in bicycle lanes, as well as prevent any vendor-related activity from occupying these lanes. It would also establish a procedure for the City to review and approve third-party delivery service contracts.